Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Fannie Mae to End Tenant Evictions in Foreclosures
"Fannie Mae is finalizing a national policy that will allow tenants to remain in their homes even if their landlord goes into foreclosure -- a landmark decision for tenants.
The policy will be in effect Jan. 9, Fannie Mae said Sunday, and reflects growing pressure on the mortgage company from a legal-aid group that threatened to sue over recent evictions. The company said it will also ensure its current holiday moratorium on new evictions is being followed until the new policy takes effect...
Freddie Mac hasn't announced a similar policy reversal, though a spokesperson said they are "currently evaluating additional actions."
The decision by the government-backed mortgage giants represents just a slice of the market and excludes many properties purchased with riskier loans that are now falling into foreclosure. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, however, are uniquely structured to be able to address the issue, which effectively now has them acting as a type of landlord or property-management company to administer month-to-month leases to renters of their foreclosed properties."
To read this entire article, go to:
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Join the social network for tenants in crisis due to landlord foreclosure. Participate in blogs, forums and discussions for people in the same position you are in. Find links to informative articles that provide resources for foreclosure tenants and their needs. This network is 100% FREE... and there is NO spamming involved, ever!
Over 85,000 homes were foreclosed on in 2007. Many of those homes were rental properties. A new bill, "AB2586," requires the banks to notify tenants of foreclosure proceedings. It will also require utility companies to notify of pending disconnections. View this video for more details.
Want access to more information like this?
Join the informative network for tenants whose landlords are in foreclosure. Get access to blogs, forums, FAQ's and other resources at
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tenants evicted, homeowner did not pay up!!!
Cash for Keys Offers
"The advantage of cash for keys from the point of view of the bank is that it gets people out of the house quickly, and the house is often left in better condition than it would be in the event that an eviction was needed. However, it is important for people to be aware that a cash for keys offer is a last resort, because once the paperwork is signed, you typically have no recourse...
Without voluntary surrender of the keys to a home, banks face a lengthy eviction process. Running an eviction is expensive, and time consuming, because while eviction notices are served and the eviction is finally enforced, the house is simply sitting there, and the bank cannot put it on the market. By getting a so-called “broom clean” house in exchange for a small cash settlement, the bank can quickly turn it around; most banks do not like to hold on to a real estate inventory, so they welcome the opportunity to sell off their foreclosed properties.
In addition to helping banks cover their losses quickly, cash for keys can also prevent damage to the house. In some cases, people who are evicted feel resentful and angry, and they may stop maintaining the house or actively damage it out of spite. As a result, a bank might need to invest in some basic repairs to make a house salable before putting it on the market, and this eats up more time and money."
To read this entire article and join in on the discussion, go to:
Basically, in my non-expert opinion, "Cash for Keys" really only benefits the banks, because they want the property empty and clean so that they can put it on the market. Unless you've already found another place and already have a move-in date, this may not be a good offer for you and your family.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Get a free eBook: The Eviction Process
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How to Stop Foreclosure Related Tenant Evictions
Foreclosure Tenants and Their Utility Rights
I made the choice to call the police. The landlord was arrested because the foreclosure was not complete, meaning he was still responsible for providing us with water service. California law states that landlords are not allowed to disconnect utilities for any reason. whatsoever. In my case, I had been paying ALL of the utilities the entire time I'd been living in the property. So, he had no excuse. My landlord being arrested did not solve my problem. He just bailed out and disappeared.
I ended up having to call the Health Department to report the matter to them. At first, there was nothing they could do because the property was still in the landlord's name, and their was a very large balance due that I couldn't afford to pay. Once the foreclosure was complete, they were able to go after the real estate agent who was hired by the bank to manage the property. When he finally faxed the deed to the water department to show that the bank was now the owner, I was finally able to have the utilities put in my own name. This took about a month.
Since then, a new bill (AB 2586) has been passed in legislation to help tenants in this situation. The following is an excerpt from an article on the Realty Times website. The entire article can be found at:
AB 2586 extensively addresses the matter of utilities. This is an issue in situations where the cost of one or more utilities has been included in the rent and payment of the utility bills has been the responsibility of the landlord. When a landlord loses a rental property in foreclosure he or she is likely to have let the utility bills go unpaid. Even if that is not the case, it is equally possible that the new owner won't be paying them. The potential result is that the tenant will have the utility service discontinued, often without ever having received a notice.
AB 2586 requires that in such a situation the utility must provide at least 15 days notice to the resident(s) that the service is scheduled to be terminated. The notice must be posted as well as mailed to "Any Person Renting Property At ____". It must contain a statement on the outside of the envelope in large print saying, "Utility service to this address may be cut off soon." The notice shall then inform the residents that they have the right to have the service put in their names, without being required to pay any delinquent amount that is currently due. The notice and the statement on the envelope must be in English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Korean (California's major spoken languages).
How can I defend myself if I'm named as a defendant in the paperwork?
How can I defend myself?
Only in very rare cases does a tenant have any defenses in a foreclosure. But, there are things you can do that may help.
* If you are physically disabled, blind or elderly (62 years or older), or if your spouse, brother, sister, parent or grandparent is elderly and permanently lives with you, AND
o you live in a building with 5 or more units OR
o you live in a mobile home, may have a defense. Contact an attorney right away.
* If you have a Section 8 voucher or you live in subsidized housing, you may have a defense. Contact an attorney right away.
* Usually, the best thing to do once you are a defendant is to contact the attorney for the bank. Try to negotiate either to stay on as a tenant after the foreclosure or to get as much time as you can before you must move.
* If you have filed an appearance, you should get a notice of everything that is happening with the foreclosure. If you don’t receive a notice of the hearing date, you can call the court clerk’s office to get the date. At the court hearing where the judge sets the law date or sale date, you may also show up and ask the judge for extra time to find a place to move.
You can explain to the judge your unique or special circumstances. For example, you have children and would like to have them complete the school year in the school they attend; you or someone in your family is very ill and needs more time to find a new apartment. It is up to the judge to give you more time to move.
* If you receive state welfare, you may be eligible for emergency housing benefits. To get emergency housing benefits, a judgment must have been entered in the case, and the law date or final sale of the property must have passed. If you filed your appearance, you will get notice in the mail of the date of judgment and the law date or sale date. Take this notice to your worker to arrange for emergency housing benefits. Remember, you may get emergency housing benefits only after the law date or sale date.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Renters Caught in Foreclosure Crisis
Foreclosure Eviction Team
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Cash for Keys
Keys' Becoming More Common
Reporting: Mike Dello Stritto
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS13) ― It's called "Cash for Keys," and it's been happening for years, but the strategy has been kept quiet. Until now.
Houses in foreclosure, people in a panic, and in walks realtor Stephanie Guardino-Rodriguez.
"This is an absolutely insane market," said Stephanie. "I've never seen a market like this."
Stephanie works for the banks, making cash-for-key offers most people can't refuse. The deal is simple: Occupants get out within 30 days without trashing a house, hand her the keys, and she hands them back a check from the bank. Then it's done.
Usually, that check is for $1500, but there's always negotiation.
"I've seen them go up to $3000," Stephanie said.
But cash-for-keys really helps the bank, saving them thousands on the costs to evict and clean up. Homeowners often have months of notice before foreclosure, but that's not the case for everyone.
"A tenant, especially, may not know at all," she said.
Such was the case with David and Edra Price.
"She gave me the call that said the house was going into foreclosure," David said.
They found out their family was about to be kicked out, their second rented home foreclosure in a year. They were desperate to make sure it didn't happen again, and then came the idea: They would buy the house.
"It's been approved," said Stephanie. "It was approved today for them to purchase this home."
Their 3-bed, 2-bath dream home for $210,000. One happy ending in a sea of For Sale signs and the sad stories behind them in the foreclosure capital of the country.
(© MMVIII, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)
Friday, March 21, 2008
Congressional Legislation
Congressional Legislation
Bill # H.R.4735
To amend the Truth in Lending Act to protect tenants interests in foreclosure proceedings.
Original Sponsor:Keith Ellison (D-MN 5th)
Cosponsor Total: 1 (last sponsor added 12/17/2007) 1 Democrats
About This Legislation:12/17/2007
Introduced.Tenant Protection in Foreclosure Act of 2007 - Amends the Truth in Lending Act with respect to the effect on a preexisting lease of foreclosure on any dwelling or residential real property securing an extension of credit. States that any successor in interest in such property pursuant to the foreclosure shall assume that interest subject to: (1) provision of a 90-day notice to vacate to any bona fide tenant of such property; (2) the rights of such a tenant either to continue occupancy until the end of a preexisting lease, or until the end of the six-month period beginning on the date of the notice of foreclosure, whichever occurs first; and (3) the right of such a tenant to the 90-day notice to vacate, if the tenant has no lease or has a lease terminable at will under state law.
It is amazing how long it is taking our government to pass reasonable legislative laws to protect its citizens in this crisis. This bill has been "sitting" in Congress for over three months. in the meantime, thousands of foreclosed tenants have been or are about to be evicted. We need Congress to move faster or our country will be facing the largest homeless numbers in history.
Please go to to write your officials and demand that they move faster on this issue. Just put in your zip code to get a full listing of your officials. There will be direct links to write your country's president, senators and representatives. There will also be direct links to your state's governor, senate and assembly members.
These people are elected officials. If enough voters complain about this crisis, they will have to take action. Please stand up and raise your voice. That's the only way that they will take this problem seriously and take fast action.
Kiesha Joseph
Renters Face Rapid Eviction as Foreclosures Soar
All Things Considered, March 14, 2008
The subprime mortgage crisis continues to claim casualties, and some of them aren't even homeowners.
In California, scores of renters are being kicked out of their homes, even when they haven't missed a single rent payment.
Shirley and William Hayes love the house they've been renting in a comfortable subdivision outside San Francisco. Even so, they're moving.
"I have been packing. I have almost all of the linen done. We're eating out of paper plates, plastic forks, spoons and knives," Shirley Hayes says.
A Notice Pinned to the Door
After being in the home for about a year and a half, the Hayeses found a notice pinned to their door telling them the bank had foreclosed and the property was up for sale. It was a shock because they had just renewed their rental agreement, and the landlord was still collecting rent even after they saw the foreclosure notice.
"He has never told us. That's how we found out what's going on," Shirley says.
She has a stack of documents that she says indicate that the landlord knew he was in default when he was taking their money. Ultimately, the bank turned them over to a property management company.
"And the management company gave us 30 days to get out. We would not get a refund on our deposit. We paid our rent," she says.
And that's how the Hayeses became part of the growing number of California renters who have gotten caught up in the foreclosure crisis.
Few Protections, Harsh Tactics
"Once a foreclosure occurs, those renters are being evicted without virtually any notice, despite the fact that they have paid their monthly rental bills every month without any interruptions whatsoever," says Paul Leonard, who heads California's Center for Responsible Lending.
There are no precise numbers of how many renters face eviction. But in California, some estimates suggest about 20 percent of foreclosed properties were used as rentals, and in many cases, tenants have few legal protections.
"What we're seeing is some very harsh tactics," says John Russo, the city attorney in Oakland. He says bank and property managers sometimes threaten renters with lawsuits or damaged credit reports.
"Often what they do is offer what's called 'cash for keys,' " Russo says. "So, there is a schtick: 'We're going to throw you out, and you can fight with us or we can give you $500.' At least here in the Bay area, $500 for moving expenses is nothing. It's not going to help any family."
Buying Time
Russo says many renters don't realize Oakland and several other California cities have rent-control laws that can stop evictions, even foreclosures.
Whenever his office intervenes, Russo says, the bank's agents usually back down and agree to allow tenants more time to move out.
That's ultimately what happened to the Hayeses. With the help of a legal aid attorney, they negotiated another month before they will have to move. Shirley says she and her husband are both elderly and not in good health, and being forced to move is difficult.
"People all over the country are in the same position, I know that. But what do you do? You can't afford to move, and you can't afford to stay, you know," she says.
There is a bill in Congress that would give tenants 90 days' notice when their rental has been foreclosed on. It's been approved by the House and awaits action in the Senate.
Note from Kiesha Joseph:
Many people are turning to Legal Aid for help. My eBook gives you step by step instructions on how to complete the process yourself. My sister went to Legal Aid and was granted another 30 days. Using the processes noted in my eBook, I was able to get another four months. My sister thought it would be easier to just let Legal Aid handle the situation. She now wishes that she would've followed my directions instead.
I am happy to hear that Congress is finally concerned with the situations our country's foreclosure crisis is putting renters in. There is no excuse for them allowing so many of us to be evicted before finally deciding to step in and help. I will be researching this new bill and update you on its progress as soon as possible.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Get Help with Your Eviction - Stop Your Eviction Now
Need Eviction Help? Stop Your Eviction Fast!
Need eviction help and assistance? Are you about to be evicted?
Have you been served an eviction notice? Do you need low cost assistance?
If you answered yes, you need this manual.
How to Stop Foreclosure Related Tenant Evictions is an affordable, easy to understand guide that will walk you through the entire process of how to prolong or stop your eviction for good.”
Find court forms, directions on completing them, filing instructions and fee waiver information for the state of California? Get direct links to forms for the Los Angeles County courts.
Don't waste a lot of precious time searching through phone books, surfing the Internet, watching news reports and paying attorneys trying to obtain the information I have already gathered, doing the same, and placed in this comprehensive guide, for your convenience.
You can get all of this information yourself, just as I did, but you’d be wasting:
* YOUR PRECIOUS TIME: Something you really don’t have much of to save your home.
* YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY: Something you’ll need to pay your rent or move eventually.
* YOUR ENERGY: Let’s face it. You just don’t have this to waste.
How to Stop Foreclosure-Related Tenant Evictions is a must read for anyone whose landlord is in foreclosure or has been foreclosed on, whose home is now owned by the foreclosing bank or someone who purchased the property from the bank after the foreclosure.
- How to Know Your Landlord’s in Trouble
- How to Know Your Landlord’s in Foreclosure
- How to Know When the Foreclosure is Complete
- What Not to Do after the Foreclosure is Complete
- What Documents to Watch Out for After the Foreclosure
- What Documents to Act on After the Foreclosure
- The Documents You Need to Stop or Prolong the Eviction
- How to Get the You Need
- How to Complete the Documents
- How to File the Documents
- How to Get a Fee Waiver for Filing the Documents
- How to Get a Court Date
- What to Bring and Say to the Judge on Your Court Date
- What to Do after Your Court Date
There are legal ways to prolong your eviction process. You may even be able to stop it completely. But, hiring an attorney can be very expensive. Most people in your situation just cannot afford.
That was my problem when I was in your situation. That’s why I made this guide so affordable for you.
File the proper forms with the proper entities at the correct times.
How to Stop Foreclosure Related Tenant Evictions will walk you through the entire process of stopping the eviction from the time you think your landlord may be in foreclosure.
Here Are a Few of the Questions You May Have that I Address:
- Why is your landlord getting so much mail from real estate agents and real estate attorneys?
- Why are strangers knocking on your door and taking pictures of your home?
- Why is your home being auctioned and what can you do?
- What is a Notice of Foreclosure?
- What to do about a Notice to Pay Rent.
- What to do about a Notice to Quit.
- What is a Summons: Unlawful Detainer – Eviction notice?
- How to handle a Notice to Vacate.
If you need answers to any of the questions above, the How to Stop Foreclosure Related Tenant Evictions eBook can answer them for you, easily and quickly. I’ll even offer you my personal assistance to guide you through the process.
Anyone can locate this information on their own. But, if you’re one of the thousands of tenants whose landlord is going through foreclosure, you may not have the time to waste. If you leave out just one form, or miss a deadline by just one minute, you could be evicted at any moment without further notice from anyone. Why take that chance with you and your family’s home?
* Do you want to stay in your home?
* Do you want to move, but just need a little more time?
* Do you want to possibly purchase your home?
The How to Stop Foreclosure Related Tenant Evictions book quickly gives you the forms and directions you need to get these things done. Below is a small list of people who have already benefited from the information contained in How to Stop Foreclosure Related Tenant Evictions. Some were benefited directly, as tenants in your situation. In some cases, the information was used to assist their loved ones, people they were living with and/or their clients.
There are legal ways to prolong your eviction process. You may even be able to stop it completely. But, hiring an attorney can be very expensive. Some people in your situation just cannot afford.
That was my problem when I was in your situation. That’s why I made this guide so affordable.
File the right forms with the proper entities at the correct times.
How to Stop Foreclosure-Related Tenant Evictions will walk you through the entire process of stopping the eviction from the time you think your landlord may be in foreclosure.
Here Are a Few of the Questions You May Have that I Address:
* Why is my landlord getting so much mail from real estate agents and real estate attorneys?
* Why are strangers knocking on my door and taking pictures of my home?
* Why is my home being auctioned and what can I do?
* What is a Notice of Foreclosure?
* What do I do about a Notice to Pay Rent?
* What do I do about a Notice to Quit?
* What is a Summons: Unlawful Detainer – Eviction notice?
* How do I handle a Notice to Vacate?
If you need answers to any of the questions above, the How to Stop Foreclosure-Related Tenant Evictions eBook can answer them for you, easily and quickly. I’ll even offer you my personal assistance to guide you through the process.
Anyone can locate this information on their own. But, if you’re one of the thousands of tenants whose landlord is going through foreclosure, you may not have the time to waste. If you leave out just one form, or miss a deadline by just one minute, you could be evicted at any moment without further notice from anyone. Why take that chance with you and your family’s home?
* Do you want to stay in your home?
* Do you want to move, but just need a little more time?
* Do you want to possibly purchase your home?
The How to Stop Foreclosure-Related Tenant Evictions book quickly gives you the forms and directions you need to get these things done. Below is a small list of people who have already benefited from the information contained in How to Stop Foreclosure-Related Tenant Evictions. Some were benefited directly, as tenants in your situation. In some cases, the information was used to assist their loved ones, people they were living with and/or their clients.
Here are some of the tenants I've been able to help:
^ Kiesha Joseph (myself) – Los Angeles, CA
^ Eric Glover – Gardena, CA
^ Marcedes Joseph – Compton, CA
^ Danielle Thomas – Lakewood, CA
^ Mona Fenderson – Bellflower, CA
^ Marion Chatmon – Lakewood, CA
^ Tienika Manning – Paramount, CA
^ Stephan Maxwell – Pomona, CA
^ Demarcus Dumas – Corona, CA
"Thank you very much for making this process so simple to understand and follow. I had no idea that I, too, had rights as just a border. I wasn't even on the lease, but was able to get our eviction stopped, thanks to this guide." Danielle Thomas, Border of Tenant Being Evicted
Do you know who has rights in this situation?
- Tenants of Foreclosed Landlords
- Borders of Tenants of Foreclosed Landlords
- Borders of Foreclosed Owners
- Anyone over the Age of 18 Living in a Foreclosed Home
- Anyone over the Age of 18 Living with Someone in Foreclosure
Who Will Benefit From This eBook?
This eBook is specifically designed to help tenants and/or borders of landlords (or whomever you’re staying with) who have completed the foreclosure process to stop or prolong an eviction. Whether the property was taken back by the bank, sold at a foreclosure auction or purchased by a new owner directly from the foreclosing bank, the processes included in this eBook will be of assistance to you if you follow the instructions I have outlined to the letter.
Be prepared before going to court.
- What to Take with You to Court
- How to Plead You Case
- What Your Rights Are
- How to Get the Judge to Work with You
- How to Get the Bank to Work with You
Learn about threatening notices you’re received.
- Which Notices are Valid
- Which Notices to Ignore
- Which Notices to Act On
- How to Act on the Valid Notices
What Will You Get from This eBook?
This eBook will show you very simple, legal steps to take to prolong your eviction. Because the banks want their properties vacant before the list them, you will eventually be evicted. However, because you are not the person(s) whom defaulted on the loan, as a tenant, you have rights that will allow you to occupy the property a little longer, giving you more time to figure out your next move. This eBook will walk you through the processes, step-by-step.
You will learn tips that can make the entire eviction process less stressful on you. Get referrals to companies who can help make the moving process easier on you when the time comes.
* Moving Companies
* Moving Truck Rentals
* Storage Facilities
* Driving Directions
* Current Moving Specials and Discounts
"I was destined to be evicted when my landlord lost the property. I had spoken with the bank numerous times. So, they knew who I was and had me named in the eviction notice. Thanks to the information I got from this book, I am now in the process of purchasing the house myself. I have a "Lease with Option to Purchase" contract with the bank. Thank you so much." Marcedes Joseph, Soon-to-Be Homeowner.
Questions to Ask Yourself
^ Would you like to purchase your home, but need a little more time?
^ Do you need down payment assistance?
^ Do you need time to save up for closing costs?
^ Do you need time to raise your FICO score?
^ Do you need help finding down payment assistance?
^ Do you need help raising your FICO score?
What You'll Get
- You will read a step-by-step process on how to stop or prolong the eviction process.
- You will get referrals to valid resources to help you purchase your home.
- You can get the assistance you need to help you raise your FICO score for the purpose of purchasing your home.
- Timing could be the difference between WINNING AND LOSING.
* You have rights, even as a tenant’s border.
* There are legal ways to stop the eviction.
* The judge cares what you’re going through.
* You are not alone.
* You can do-it-yourself at an affordable cost.
* It’s not hard to do without legal representation.
How Can I Help You?
I’ve already done the hard part. I’ve taken hours upon hours, days upon days, months upon months, seeking and compiling this information. I’ve done the research for you through my own personal trial and error. I’ve put it all together in a very simple format, so that it serves as a quick reference guide, just for you.
Still want to consult with a real estate attorney?
I will refer you to a very reliable attorney that will be happy to answer any of your questions. This attorney is licensed to practice in the state of California and specializes in the field of real estate.
- Reduce the time.
- Reduce stress.
- Save money.
- Gain an unfair advantage over the foreclosing banks.
- Connect to reliable attorneys in you community.
- Find moving resources in your area.
I wrote How to Stop Foreclosure-Related Tenant Evictions for homeowners, tenants, borders, real estate agents, real estate brokers, potential homebuyers, real estate students, property managers, etc… This book was written for anyone affected by the current country-wide foreclosure crisis.
Thousands and thousands of people across our country were tricked into financing and/or refinancing their property through the ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage) program. Most of these property owners have found that, once their notes doubled or tripled, they cannot afford the new monthly payments. Because of this, they are in foreclosure or have completed the foreclosure process. Now, their tenants and loved ones who were living in the home with them are facing the possibility of being homeless, at no fault of their own. I am here to help.
I made this guide as simple as possible. It allows readers to get the information needed quickly and easily. It’s a very useful tool that you can refer to again and again.
I offer a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. So, you cannot loose. I know that this information will be useful in your fight to extend your time in your home. Download it instantly, and read it immediately. You don’t have time to waste.
The How to Stop Foreclosure Related Tenant Evictions EBOOK is authored by Kiesha Joseph.
Price: $12.95 USD
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