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Friday, October 3, 2014

A Hardship Letter Template

Creating a Hardship Letter

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One essential document to slow, or stop your eviction is the hardship letter. But, sometimes it’s hard to know how to start, or what to say. You’ll want to direct this letter to your lender. The letter will detail why you have not been able to stay current with your bills.

A Hardship Letter Template

Example of a hardship letter:

Dear Sir:

I am writing today about my home’s foreclosure. My family and I are dependent on this home for professional and educational stability. The loss of our current housing would cause much stress and duress at this time. I would like to discuss a forbearance plan or loan modification that would allow you to continue to receive payments, while allowing me to keep our home.

The reason I have been unable to make my mortgage payments is because (insert specific situation information) In addition to this letter I have included the following documents that show my current financial difficulties:

As you can see, I am unable to make the current payments. I would like to propose a temporary loan modification plan. With my current income I can make a reduced payment of (amount available) from now until (end date). By this date I hope to have (resolution of financial difficulties listed above). By (end date above) I would again plan to pay the previous amount of (amount).

I realize this reduced payment is not the agreed upon terms, but hope that the benefit of the continued influx of some revenue would be of greater value to you than the process of eviction. This is our family’s home. (Members of the family in residence)  and I would be very grateful for your forebearance.

 Thank you for your time and consideration.


(Your Name)

Further Help to Stop your Eviction

Interested in more information. Get help from someone whose been through the process before!
Keisha Joseph offers more tips in How to Stop Foreclosure Evictions available for Kindle on Amazon.

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